Institutions de Santé

Simplexity in Dentistry : How to Simplify our daily practice

une conférence animée par le Dr Katherine Losada, Médecin-Dentiste en pratique privée, spécialisé dans les traitements esthétiques et conservateurs – Suisse

chez Pure Clinic | Institutions de Santé de Sierre, jeudi 12 septembre 2019, de 18:00 à 20:00, Pure Clinic | Education Sierre


Conference will be performed in english.

Technological innovation have had a huge impact in the odontological field. This evolution allows us to perform better diagnosis, more efficient procedures and it simplifies the schedule of our clinical work.

The use of tablets, smart phones with its smile design and photography apps, altogether with the physic properties of fluorescence while using ultraviolet light, are nowadays allowing us to aboard the patients in an easy and simple way, without sacrificing the quality of service we should offer.

Nevertheless, to find our way in this technological jungle remains a challenge, so that the aim of this presentation is to sort out, within the great amount of new softwares and gadgets, the useful ones out of the useless ones.




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